

Friday 1 October 2010


haiz...these few days ......don't know what happen ...damn many ppl beh song vivian ....(include me also ^^)haiz...i also don't know what happen to her ...keep suspect LAI MUN and KOON FON couple ..lolz...your energy of imagine too high dy ...keep imagine this that ....make ppl hate you also ...haiz...too free is it ?? everyday in school .....always ponteng to my class ....5A3 ...and keep talk with CCW ...look like so private ...lolz...if private ..then back to home only ask he or tell he la...keep ponteng for what ?? i saw you also feel boring dy..i don't know you will feel boring or not ?? in school then study hard la ...ponteng ponteng ponteng ...final exam is coming soon ...keep pak tuo pak tuo ...keep think this that ...haiz...why you don't want go interview be a 'DREAMING GUY'??? so like to imagine ....lolz...too free ?? 1 day 24 hours too long for you is it ??? is that's true ...can you SHARE some times to me ?? 1 day 24 hours it is too short for me ...
hey man ...juz share with me la...too free ...hobby is juz keep IMAGINE things...
keep think left think right ....haiz...i also can't imagine ...why last time DANIEL LAW will chase you arr ....wakao ...damn funny...now ....i also can't imagine why KOON FON will love you ar ... =.=lll
damn funny ...hahaha ...

Saturday 25 September 2010

aiyoyo ...

haiz...this few days ....feel...damn boring leh ...but hor ....exam is coming ...sei lor sei lor ....then i'm waiting to die then enough lur ....add maths .......chemistry......physics .......ICT .......aiya ....all the subject also will FAIL de lar...sobs....T.T
this few days ...haiz...nothing happen ..don't know type this post for what leh ??? hehe ...maybe is me sot jor ...haha..

Thursday 16 September 2010

goodbye my love ....my heart will dead in this second ...

so sorry ...i don't know when only i can forget our memories ....heard you said that ..my heart suddenly feel very pain ,sad ,shock ...and juz now ...i suddenly ....cry ....what happen to me now ?? why i will cry ?? last time i'm not so decided to break with you ?? why now i will cry ?? arr ! confusing ...i really can't understand what am i thinking of ...
suddenly wanna break with you ..suddenly don't want break with you ...lolz...actually what thing is me thinking of ??!! my feel told me like this ...then i juz follow my feel to do ....but ...so sorry ...i never think about your feel ....you over our relationship ..should i say thanks for you ?? or should i blame you ?? confusing ....maybe ...you over it .... will live happily in everyday ...i also hope you happy ...goodbye my love ....

Friday 10 September 2010


feel very disappointed dy ....i really don't know what happen between us ...why suddenly you don't have talk with me ....delete me at facebook .....block and delete me at msn ....sms ...........i havent try sms you before ...EX KOR KOR....can you tell me .....what happen ??? is cause of A BAO BEI ?? everytime you want me to guess who is she ...you said .....many people knew that who is she ...lolz...everytime told me ....she at here ...at there ....how i know what place wor ?? i asked CHIA before ....he keep don't want tell me .....and ....CHIA ....not i wanna comment or scold you at here ...but i really don't know why you promised me , you won't say it out ...include EX KOR KOR...but .......why ....he will know that time i always argue with my friend ??? why ?? this is a big question mark in my brain ...why he will know ?? i juz told LAI MUN and CHIA only ....but ...why ...why ... why ??!! he will know this ?? you broke our promise .......erm..but i also won't angry you ...cause ....you told him .....i also don't mind .....i also won't mind ....that day , EX KOR KOR said ....'don't call me kor kor dy ...i'm not your kor kor ...thanks' , that time ......i really wanna cry dy ...why why why ?? what happen made us became like this ??

Thursday 9 September 2010

you really wanna do till like this ?? lolz....

hoho..whatever la...i think ...maybe you are blocking me at facebook ...but also never mind la ...you knew that i'm dislike you and hate you ...i need to tell you the same thing ...i really very hate you ...i don't know what thing will made me hate you ...maybe ......is last time that you did ....made me dislike you ....FRIEND ??hahah.. ya ...last time i really ask you to be friend ....cause i want let all the thing settle it ...but after THAT MATTER happent ...you said wanna some time to accept it ..never mind ..cause that time i really think you will be my friend ...but ...i don't know what's up ..you keep wanna disturb me ...write me this that at facebook ...i childish ?? so what ?? i wrote some private thing at my wall is it dsiturb you ?? i post something at there ....din ask you to comment it ...you wanna see then see ...you wanna scold me or what ....PLEASE WRITE ON YOUR OWN WALL ....don't make DIRTY my post ...thanks ...lolz.. i really can't understand you..haiz...maybe ....at your gang ....many people will hate me...inclube my primary school friend ..i knew last time is me misundersatnd you two... however ....if you don't want forgive me ...or be friend with me ...i also won't care it ...all i care ..that's my gang ...my dears ..

Saturday 4 September 2010

haiz....same thing happen again .....

hey ...can you stop talking about me ?? what thing you also want take me to say this say that ...now you so free is it ?? too free then find bf to pak to lar...come to kacau me for what ?? keep write write write ....lolz ...go die la...

Friday 3 September 2010

back to single life ♥

erm...you two's friendship back to normal dy ...then i think ..everything will back to begining ...and i also hope everything will start from the begining ....very hope you will back to when you havent know me this ppl before ...then ..all the case also won't happen ...^^
and .....now i speechless dy...i have nothing to chat with you ...and ...can you get out from my world ?? please ...and i beg you to get away from me ...i really so tired to chat with you ...meet you ...and let me most angry is ....you always touch me here touch me there...tot who am i ??? doll ?? can simply touch ?? and ...if at outside you put your hand on my shoulder ...i still can forgive ...but why in school you also do this ??!!! lolz...i'm damn angry cause of this ...
and ...juz now i ask you to break ...you keep don't want break or keep ask me why ...lolz !! 在一起..是需要双方的同意..而分手..只是需要单方的同意..这点........................难道你不懂吗?
hope when i leave your world ...you will happy ...thanks ..

hey ! am i offend you ??

lolz....why everything you also say that is all my false ??? why !! am i offend you ? in this case ...everyone also got wrong ...why you juz said those are my false ?? '明明是她一手造成却好像全部推给国良了' what the mean by this ??? SUSU LIEW ...don't think i apologize dy really wanna be friend with you ...i tell you ..i juz want Leong will choose FREINDSHIP and will kick away LOVE ...what the hell are you typing ?? that's he choose LOVE ...and i keep ask he to break ...he dont' want only ma ! how come all the wrong also push to my side ...that day ...i know you very angry about Leong choose LOVE means choose me ...but ..do you know ...that day ...i juz ask he to explain to me...din ask he to do anything ...i really don't know he will say 绝交 with you ...you know ??!!!
i know ...you will think that all also i teach he how to do ....but the truth ...i juz think like...he wanna make this case become more worse ....
but ...this all are pass ...i don't want to think it anymore ...
congratz you two 和好 ...

Sunday 29 August 2010

the real position .......in your heart....

can i trust you again ?? last time till now ....have never one boy's position is higher than you in my heart ...do you know ?? juz only lai mun's position is the highest in my heart ....and this answer ..i think it won't change ...but you .....why !! why !! why you wanna lie me ?? the most care de is me ??? hahahah...joke ...all joke ...you tot i'm stupid ??? i can't find the real answer ?? hahah...YOU ARE A LIAR !!!!
i scare to believe you ... scare will hurt again ...i feel that ....you are same with kit fung ....also liar ...lie me ...do you know ??you think i'm a toy ? easy to cheat ...i know i'm so stupid ..in everything ...
i don't know when you are saying the truth ....when you are lie me ....i already scare .....really so scare to believe you .....

Friday 4 June 2010


你卻硬說我不相信她?我沒說過這東西..我只是說有什麼事都不要再告訴她罷了..我又沒說我不再相信她..不過我也只是說說罷了,我哪會做到這樣呢?可是你懂不懂....我說我不再告訴她任何一件事,是因為我只是想要你哄哄我罷了..如果你說:'別這樣啦,她告訴我只是要讓我更了解你罷了,讓我知道你也是很在乎這件事的..'醬的話我就不會氣的,怎知到...你竟然告訴我說,我本來想讓你可是你卻得寸進尺..哇靠 ~!!你這什麼意思??很明顯你是在維護著她的...你懂不懂..當時..我呆了....我在想...你這算是什麼意思啊?保護她?維護她?怕我不相信她?你所講的這些只是在幫她來講回我罷了...過了不久,我跟你解釋了,你竟然說不要再說這個了..我怕會跟你吵架..你這就很明顯是為了她而要跟我吵架的咯??我真的真的不明白,為什麼朋友的地位會比我高....難道...真的是醬嗎?朋友的地位永遠都比女朋友的地位還要高...良...是醬的嗎?

i wanna know what the problem from us....can you tell me ??

why you will feel is it i'm loving you ?? why you will feel tht ?if i don't have love you ..then i accept you for what ?i also need to ask you..do you really have feel to me ? why everytime we argue ..you also will say wanna break with me ? break with me is it you will feel more relax ? will feel more happy ? i really don't know nxt step i need to do what ...i feel tired ...very tired dy....everytime you also like this ...you said i do anything also don't have think about your feel ...then you ? do you have think about my feeling ? tht day , i send a message to you .. i juz wan to ask you...do you really wanna break with me ? two weeks later , the answer will be what ? break or together ?bi..can you tell me the truth ? do you really love me?i don't want to guess what are you doing now..i want to know you...i want know what you doing ....i don't want to guess it..i guess this untill i feel tired dy..really so tired...can i abandon ?? i scare have 1 day, i will abondon this ....bi ...i really feel tired dy....

Friday 28 May 2010

why you want like this to treat me ?

did i do wrong anything ? why you want like this to treat me? when you saw me ,you juz walk away .. do you think about my feel ? i know you don't have think that...and you also dislike me this sister..am i say this is right ? from start untill now..you also like this...why ?? am i do wrong anything ? you want me trust you...i already do that ... but you .........why ?? i feel that ..you never trust me before..why she ask you something, you tell her and also call her don't tell me ...why ?? that time you already don't want me this sister is it ??well....this thing already pass... and also ...i want to tell you...i don't have you this brother ,i still can alive ...maybe you also don't care about this..XXX....why you will trust her more than trust me ?? i'm your step sister....why you will trust a friend..don't want trust me ?? why ? anything i do wrong dy??