

Friday 1 October 2010


haiz...these few days ......don't know what happen ...damn many ppl beh song vivian ....(include me also ^^)haiz...i also don't know what happen to her ...keep suspect LAI MUN and KOON FON couple ..lolz...your energy of imagine too high dy ...keep imagine this that ....make ppl hate you also ...haiz...too free is it ?? everyday in school .....always ponteng to my class ....5A3 ...and keep talk with CCW ...look like so private ...lolz...if private ..then back to home only ask he or tell he la...keep ponteng for what ?? i saw you also feel boring dy..i don't know you will feel boring or not ?? in school then study hard la ...ponteng ponteng ponteng ...final exam is coming soon ...keep pak tuo pak tuo ...keep think this that ...haiz...why you don't want go interview be a 'DREAMING GUY'??? so like to imagine ....lolz...too free ?? 1 day 24 hours too long for you is it ??? is that's true ...can you SHARE some times to me ?? 1 day 24 hours it is too short for me ...
hey man ...juz share with me la...too free ...hobby is juz keep IMAGINE things...
keep think left think right ....haiz...i also can't imagine ...why last time DANIEL LAW will chase you arr ....wakao ...damn funny...now ....i also can't imagine why KOON FON will love you ar ... =.=lll
damn funny ...hahaha ...

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