

Friday 4 June 2010


你卻硬說我不相信她?我沒說過這東西..我只是說有什麼事都不要再告訴她罷了..我又沒說我不再相信她..不過我也只是說說罷了,我哪會做到這樣呢?可是你懂不懂....我說我不再告訴她任何一件事,是因為我只是想要你哄哄我罷了..如果你說:'別這樣啦,她告訴我只是要讓我更了解你罷了,讓我知道你也是很在乎這件事的..'醬的話我就不會氣的,怎知到...你竟然告訴我說,我本來想讓你可是你卻得寸進尺..哇靠 ~!!你這什麼意思??很明顯你是在維護著她的...你懂不懂..當時..我呆了....我在想...你這算是什麼意思啊?保護她?維護她?怕我不相信她?你所講的這些只是在幫她來講回我罷了...過了不久,我跟你解釋了,你竟然說不要再說這個了..我怕會跟你吵架..你這就很明顯是為了她而要跟我吵架的咯??我真的真的不明白,為什麼朋友的地位會比我高....難道...真的是醬嗎?朋友的地位永遠都比女朋友的地位還要高...良...是醬的嗎?

i wanna know what the problem from us....can you tell me ??

why you will feel is it i'm loving you ?? why you will feel tht ?if i don't have love you ..then i accept you for what ?i also need to ask you..do you really have feel to me ? why everytime we argue ..you also will say wanna break with me ? break with me is it you will feel more relax ? will feel more happy ? i really don't know nxt step i need to do what ...i feel tired ...very tired dy....everytime you also like this ...you said i do anything also don't have think about your feel ...then you ? do you have think about my feeling ? tht day , i send a message to you .. i juz wan to ask you...do you really wanna break with me ? two weeks later , the answer will be what ? break or together ?bi..can you tell me the truth ? do you really love me?i don't want to guess what are you doing now..i want to know you...i want know what you doing ....i don't want to guess it..i guess this untill i feel tired dy..really so tired...can i abandon ?? i scare have 1 day, i will abondon this ....bi ...i really feel tired dy....